en it

EA Comunicazione

website restyling for ea comunicazione by acantoAcanto Comunicazione srlAcanto Comunicazione srl


website, web design, SEO, copywriting


Restyling of the corporate website

EA Comunicazione is a Riccione-based event agency that supports brands and companies in the communication and organisation of institutional and promotional events across Italy since 2002. It turned to us to restyle its website, seeking a modern, interactive tool capable of making an impact while conveying and enhancing the agency’s identity.


The aim of the project was to give a new and original look - in terms of design, content and efficiency - to EA Comunicazione's website, with a restyling that would reflect the energetic and creative personality of the event agency, highlighting its values and skills.

A modern, dynamic and user-friendly website


mood and graphic design for ea comunicazione by acantoAcanto Comunicazione srlAcanto Comunicazione srl
mood and graphic design for ea comunicazione by acantoAcanto Comunicazione srlAcanto Comunicazione srl
  • web design for ea comunicazione by acantoAcanto Comunicazione srlAcanto Comunicazione srl
  • website creation for ea comunicazione by acantoAcanto Comunicazione srlAcanto Comunicazione srl
  • web design services for ea comunicazione by acantoAcanto Comunicazione srlAcanto Comunicazione srl

Colour, design and usability

Our work for the new EA Comunicazione website started with a careful study of the mood, graphics and layout. The website we designed and created, which was developed to be functional, of great visual impact and in line with the corporate identity, stands out for being dynamic, colourful and user friendly. Through its emotional “pop” design, it conveys the agency’s propulsive personality, services and projects in an imaginative, engaging and immediate way.


The right rhythm, to turn up the volume of communication

Besides the design, we also carefully edited and organised the content of the website. An accurate SEO strategy, research and the definition of a fresh and distinctive tone of voice led to the creation of the texts and call to action of the website which, together with the layout, communicate and enhance the exuberant, colourful and creative identity of EA Comunicazione.

website user experience for ea comunicazioneAcanto Comunicazione srlAcanto Comunicazione srl
Work team
Creatives in tune

Camilla Dolcini
Project Manager

Lucia Galanti
Web Designer

Irene Boschi
Front-end Developer

Simone Montanari
Back-end Developer

Sara Maria Buonsanti

Laura Sorbini
SEO & Web Analyst