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Privacy policy


The personal data collected (name, surname and email address) will be used to fulfil the request for information and – only in the case of subscription to the newsletter – the data will be used for commercial, informative and promotional purposes after obtaining the required expressed consent.


For the processing of these data, Acanto Comunicazione srl will comply with the requirements established by Personal Data Protection Authority according to the provision of general authorization No. 2/2007 and subsequent amendments and additions. In this case, the consent of the concerned party shall be expressed and unmistakable, using the appropriate form that will be delivered at the time of service activation.


The data will not be disclosed to, sold to, or exchanged with third parties, except in the case where it is necessary to fulfil the requests of the concerned party and, therefore, on the basis of its expressed consent. In any case, the use of the data by third parties will take place in full compliance with the principle of correctness and the provisions of the law. The data collected may be communicated to Third Countries, or to Countries outside the European Union. In this case, Acanto Comunicazione srl, in addition to a request for expressed consent, will check that said Countries issued a declaration of compliance with the GDPR.


The concerned party may assert his/her own rights as specified in articles 15 – 22 of the GDPR by sending an email to info@acanto.net. The right to the request is adequately protected as it must take place at the latest within one month from receipt of the request (extended for two months, if necessary and in any case communicating it to the concerned party, taking into account the complexity and the number of requests). The data controller, demonstrating it, may charge a reasonable fee as a contribution taking into account the administrative costs incurred to provide the information or communications. Pursuant to article 15, the concerned party has the right to obtain from the data controller confirmation that the processing of his/her personal data is or is not in progress and – if such processing is in progress – access to data and to the privacy policy detailing the purposes of their processing and the type of data processed as well as the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data were or will be communicated, in particular if said recipients are from third countries or international organizations. In any case, all information and communications shall be provided in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible manner, with a simple and clear language, above all in the case of information intended for minors. The information must be provided in writing also by using electronic means unless they are verbally requested. The right of the concerned party includes also the deletion of his/her personal data, for example when the initial consent is revoked, or when the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected/processed, or when they were unlawfully processed. Furthermore, the concerned party has the right to prompt correction of his/her inaccurate personal data; the right to a limitation of the processing (minimization); the right to be forgotten by virtue of which the deletion request of personal data concerning the user shall even involve any data supervisors external to the processing so that they may delete any link to such data or their reproduction; furthermore, the right to portability of the data, therefore the concerned party has the right to send such data to another data controller  without obstacles being raised by the data controller to whom he/she had provided them, if the processing is based on consent or on an agreement and is carried out through automated means.


Acanto Comunicazione srl for any needs strictly related to the requested service will store the personal data of the user for a period of 26 months, after which the data will be automatically deleted. With reference to the processing of personal data for the purpose of sending commercial and promotional communications, the data will be stored until any request opposing such communications will be received.

In the case of access requests by the concerned party pursuant to art. 15, Acanto Comunicazione srl will fulfil said request within and not beyond the aforementioned terms established by the law.


The Data Controller and Data Supervisor is Acanto Comunicazione srl, with registered office in Strada della Campanara 15 Pesaro (PU), in the person of its legal representative Mrs Alessandra Pozzi.


The provision of the data is optional and is subjected to the will of the concerned party. However, in the event of failure to provide the data, the requested service may not be provided. Consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes is free, specific, informed, verifiable and revocable at any time. If the user is younger than 16 years of age, consent must be given or authorized by a parent or guardian.

Consent is considered as being freely provided by ticking the box “I accept the privacy policy”.